The Academic Innovations Broadcast
The ROI Of Underwriting
Each Academic Innovations broadcast is designed to strengthen the connective tissue between education and industry while promoting greater business participation in student career development. Our goal is to work with both education and industry partners to expose students to the skills necessary to pursue in demand career paths and provide direction in obtaining optimum contemporary commercially viable skills.
The Broadcast
Academic Innovations is a digital series which can be viewed online or as an OTA broadcast program. It highlights the essential skills, aptitude and work ethic prerequisites to help students find their place in a new emerging global economy. Each episode features guest from industry, corporate and service organizations offering actionable career information.
The concept of Academic Innovations came about after speaking with many business leaders across the country. They all in essence voiced the same concern, which was the dwindling pool of qualified employees. There are many industries which simply have no formal recruitment or training platforms at all. There has been a generational shift affecting occupational awareness and a cultural shift affecting what the population considers meaningful employment.
Technology, particularly online media has become a powerful generational force. If we are to reach the future leaders of tomorrow we must employ familiar tools. By creating a television broadcast designed for seamless use on digital platforms we've combined traditional linear technology with file based content that can be transcoded into a variety of formats suitable for viewing on a wide range of devices.
Underwriters and Academic Innovations
Academic Innovations is a non-profit 501c3 corporation with a focus on education and macro economics. We have several community service initiatives as well as an E/I broadcast program. Our philosophy is simple, when we start early to instill in students advantageous social and economic ideals, we can facilitate a positive generational effect on future populations.
Our objective is to equip students with the necessary skills and talents to thrive in their lives and in the workforce of the future. Our programs are made possible through generous underwriting, sponsorships, individual and foundation contributions.
Your support will allow us to gain wider reach and have a broader more profound motivating effect on young adult populations. We realize philanthropy is most often viewed as benevolent measures with virtuous but largely unquantifiable benefits. However, corporate underwriting of Academic Innovation is an investment in the future of business, industry and corporate competitiveness. Your participation in the direction and development of the next generation workforce will yield both short and long term returns.
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